"No fear!" ~Julia Child

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hope Renewed!

Hey Butterballs!
This entry really has nothing to do with physical food, but rather my inherent need to be on Food Network. My morning starts with false advertising. Take a look at this website:


Clearly once you read, this is not about Next Food Network Star. This raises two questions, 1. Is this for real? and 2. Where can I get $100,000 to open a fledgling business for Bobby Flay to endorse? So Food Network is coming to Missoula, but not for Next Food Network Star. This 'new show' is not advertised on the Food Network Website. Nor does the radio station know anything else about it. You can imagine my disappointment. So if anyone knows of an investor who loves plucky young women and their GINORMOUS cats, send them my way, we'll get this party going.

Sorry for the lack of food or attention you've all been receiving lately, I've been drowning in finals and orchestration homework. I can promise you a new and exciting recipe tonight! And again, Butters is going to be starting a vlog, so you can enjoy Butters and his Spokes-mom through the magic of cinema! We'll be starting with a Christmas video of all your favorite holiday music hits! Dust off your Gold, Frankincense and Purr, it should be a fan-freaking-tastic time!