"No fear!" ~Julia Child

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shrimpios Italianos!

This whole writing down recipes thing is really kind of foreign to me, on account of I hate recipe shopping... You know, where you go to the store with like, a list and crap like a responsible adult, and you just buy what you need to make the recipe you're planning on, and maybe a SlimJim at the front counter because you just can't take it anymore? I hate that. I like to go to the store for toothpaste and end up with all sorts of amazing things. Like, discount brie, and salami logs, and crusty baguettes, and 2 for 1 cans of anchovie fillets, and maybe a german chocolate cake. This is also known as impulse buying. Impulse buying happens way more when you're hungry and don't bring a list to the store. This leads me into my next point about about going to the grocery store while so hungry you could knaw off your own elbow.

So I started off today really hungry, and then I ate some whole grains. I don't care who you are or who you think you're kidding, that really doesn't do crap for much longer than an hour. So then I had a wrap thing from the coffee place in the education building, and that was okay, but then I went to the gym, and then I just got hungry again. By the time I got done with class at like, midnight (or 7, but hungry hours are like dog years), I was way too hungry to think about eating. So I went to the store and bought some shrimp because it was a protein under $5. Then I bought a crusty baguette and a very festive candle shaped like a pumpkin.

The following is probably the best pasta dish I've come up with while semi-comatose from hunger. It would be good even if I was at my average daily level of incoherency.

Put a half a box of penne on to boil. Sautee one large onion, roughly chopped and a heaping tablespoon of chopped garlic in olive oil on medium high heat. Stir in 2 large tomatoes, diced. Pour in 2 cups of dry white wine, and one cup of chicken stock. Add a tablespoon of basil and a teaspoon of black pepper. Let reduce about one third, add 3 tablespoons of butter and let melt. Stir in raw shrimp. Let stock boil shrimp and continue to reduce. Once shrimp are cooked, stir in a tablespoon of flour for thickening. Strain pasta, and toss in shrimp and sauce.

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